All inclusions presented in this blog will be preserved for the sake of science (for free). Contact Wszystkie inkluzje prezentowane na tym blogu będą zachowane dla dobra nauki i przekazane za darmo badaczom, na określonych warunkach. Kontakt
niedziela, 26 stycznia 2025
Inkluzja nr 384
Inclusion nr. 384 Limoniidae, male in Baltic amber. This specimen will be donated to the University of Rzeszów, to Wiktoria J. PhD, Institute of Biology. Poland.
niedziela, 19 stycznia 2025
Inkluzja nr 383
Inclusion nr. 383, Coleoptera in Baltic amber. Tenebrionidae ? or Cryptophagidae ?. but most likely Cryptophagidae.The inclusion will be donated to Professor Paweł J. - The Museum of Natural History, Wroclaw University, Poland.
sobota, 18 stycznia 2025
Inkluzja nr 382
Inclusion nr 382. Keroplatidae, Kernelia, male in Baltic amber. Probably Kelneria ciliata. I've donated it to
Wydział Biologii i Ochrony Środowiska
Budynek A, piętro 5, pokój 505
ul. Stefana Banacha 12/16
90-237 Łódź, Poland
Inkluzja nr 381
Inclusion nr. 381. Mycetophilidae, probably Manota in Baltic amber I. ve donated this specimen to the Museum of Evolution in Krakow. Diptera, Nematocera.
Polskiej Akademii Nauk
ul. Sławkowska 17
31-016, Kraków
piątek, 10 stycznia 2025
Inkluzja nr 380
Inclusion in Baltic amber no. 378. Braconidae ? or Agaonidae ? It was donated to Serguei S. Ukraine, Kiev. The I.I. Schmalhausen Institute of Zoology of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.
Inkluzja nr 379
Inclusion in Baltic amber no. 379. Braconidae. It was donated to Serguei S. Ukraine, Kiev. The I.I. Schmalhausen Institute of Zoology of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.
Inkluzja nr 378
Inclusion in Baltic amber no. 378. Braconidae. this is genus Prochremylus Brues, 1933.c It was donated to Serguei S. Ukraine, Kiev. The I.I. Schmalhausen Institute of Zoology of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.
Inkluzja nr 377
Inclusion in Baltic amber no. 377 . Hymenoptera - Diapriidae It was donated to Serguei S. Ukraine, Kiev. The I.I. Schmalhausen Institute of Zoology of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.
Inkluzja nr 376
Inclusion in Baltic amber no. 376. Hymenoptera - Diapriidae It was donated to Serguei S. Ukraine, Kiev. The I.I. Schmalhausen Institute of Zoology of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.
środa, 1 stycznia 2025
Inkluzja nr 375
Flower? in Baltic amber. This specimen will be donated to The Voivodeship and Municipal Public Library in Bydgoszcz, Poland, to Lucyna G.
Posty (Atom)
Imprint in Baltic amber. I donated this specimen to the Museum of Evolution in Krakow. The white and the green ones are an imprint mad...
All these specimens were donated to The Voivodeship and Municipal Public Library in Bydgoszcz,Poland, to Lucyna G.
Inclusion in Baltic amber no.263. Inclusion from around 40 million years ago. Length of wing 2,5 mm .From Amber Room - Stegna. Inkluzja w...