All inclusions presented in this blog will be preserved for the sake of science (for free). Contact Wszystkie inkluzje prezentowane na tym blogu będą zachowane dla dobra nauki i przekazane za darmo badaczom, na określonych warunkach. Kontakt
środa, 28 lutego 2024
Inkluzja nr 364
Inclusion in Baltic amber - Palaeomymar sp. (Hymenoptera: Mymarommatidae). The inclusion was donated to The Museum of Natural History, Wroclaw University.
wtorek, 27 lutego 2024
Inklujza nr 363.
Inclusion in Baltic amber no.363. Inclusion from around 40 million years ago. Aphid - Mengeaphis glandulsa Inclusion was donated to University of Rzeszow, Katedra Biologii,Uniwersytet Rzeszowski, ul. Zelwerowicza 4.
sobota, 24 lutego 2024
Inkluzja nr 362
Inclusions in Burmite amber no 361 . Swarm of flies. Inclusions were donated to the Uniwersity of Gdansk, to dr Marta Z.
Faculty of Biology
Department of Invertebrate Zoology and Parasitology
Laboratory of Systematic Zoology.
Inkluzja nr 361
Inclusions in Burmite amber no 361 . Swarm of flies. Inclusions were donated to the Uniwersity of Gdansk, to dr Marta Z.
Faculty of Biology
Department of Invertebrate Zoology and Parasitology
Laboratory of Systematic Zoology.
Inkluzja nr 360.
Inclusion in Burmite amber no.360. Cecidomiidae, female. The inclusion was donated to Professor W.K. from Krakow - Poland.
Inkluzja 359.
Inclusion in Burmite amber no.355. Tanyderidae, male. The inclusion was donated to Professor W.K. from Krakow - Poland.
Inkluzja nr 358.
Inclusion in Burmite amber no.358. , Pseudopolycentropodidae, male. The inclusion was donated to Professor W.K. from Krakow - Poland.
Inkluzja nr 357.
Inclusion in Burmite amber no.357. Sciairidae, male. The inclusion was donated to Professor W.K. from Krakow - Poland.
Inkluzja nr 356
Inclusion in Burmite amber no.356. Psychodidae, male. The inclusion was donated to Professor W.K. from Krakow - Poland
Inkluzja nr 355
Inclusion in Burmite amber no.355. Psychodidae, male. The inclusion was donated to Professor W.K. from Krakow - Poland.
Inkluzja nr 354.
Inclusion in Baltic amber amber no.354. Psychodidae, male. The inclusion will be donated to Professor W.K. from Krakow - Poland.
Posty (Atom)
Imprint in Baltic amber. I donated this specimen to the Museum of Evolution in Krakow. The white and the green ones are an imprint mad...
All these specimens were donated to The Voivodeship and Municipal Public Library in Bydgoszcz,Poland, to Lucyna G.
Inclusion in Baltic amber no.263. Inclusion from around 40 million years ago. Length of wing 2,5 mm .From Amber Room - Stegna. Inkluzja w...